Driven by a desire to create diamond costume jewellery of unwavering beauty, Valérie Messika established her own jewellery Maison in 2005.
In her work, she reinvents the stone rich in symbolism and meaning, to make it a desirable and disturbing object that gives the wearer self-confidence. Valérie Messika brings a liberating breath of fresh air to the jewellery industry. In her hands, diamonds come to life: they move, they dance, they have fun and above all, they are never boring.
Valérie Messika uses her perspective as a woman in her designing. In her opinion, there is no better backdrop than the shape of a woman. She sees her jewellery as a way to give women an extra sparkle to make them feel more beautiful, more confident. More than an accessory, Messika Jewellery pieces bring out the different personality traits of a woman.
Valérie Messika has created a new way of wearing jewellery. Whereas previously, necklaces, bracelets, rings and earrings were worn as a set, today stacking and asymmetry is fashionable. In keeping with the “néoporté” trend, the designer developed different designs which complement each other perfectly.
“Free the diamond” is Valérie Messika’s mantra. In her vision, the diamond should be a living companion to the wearer. Unlike traditional jewellery, in her pieces the diamond moves, twists, plays and lives.
Move is the creation that gave the House of Messika its signature style and that heralded its success. The three mobile diamonds quickly became an “it-jewel”, as easy to wear in the day as by night, at work as with a cocktail dress.